Packages to solve domain, equations and inequalities, interval arithmetic functions.
Subject: Packages to solve domain, equations and inequalities, interval arithmetic functions.
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 2009 09:36:49 -0800
At the risk of discouraging you, I would like to make some suggestions
on how to (re)write some of your code.
1. Using [a,b] to represent an interval is probably not a good idea
since [a,b] is used as a list and also a matrix row and maybe a set, and
also a parameter list and a subscript list
It may not seem logical to you, but you can use interval(a,b) and it
takes no more space or access time etc. A good way to think about this
is that
[a,b] is the same as ?mlist(a,b).
If you want to have open and closed intervals, I'm not sure how to best
encode them, but using
[[a,a],[a,b],[b,b]] for the close interval from a to b does not seem
economical, especially since a list of lists looks like a matrix.
perhaps interval(a,b,left) interval(a,b,right), interval(a,b,both)?
or %union(interval(a,b),a) %union(interval(a,b),b) etc.
In the interests of "data abstraction" it would be better to define
operations like low(interval) and high(interval) rather than using
in fact you could have atomic items or something else be intervals.
Thus if we wanted to have an interval from 3 to 3, we could just use 3.
is_an_interval(a):= atom(h) or op(a)='interval;
low(h):= if atom(h) then h else if op(h)='interval then inpart(h,1);
If you later decide to change the representation, the only things that
need to be changed are definitions of low, high, is_an_interval, and
other data representation programs.
You might also decide how to do comparisons using something other than
<, >, etc.
There are also arguments for why intervals should be labeled according
to their origin, and how to maintain them.
see, for example,
I think it would be good to have inequality solving in Maxima, and I
hope your programs can be made as complete,
efficient, and correct as possible.
mihail22 mihail22 wrote:
> Hi.
> Thank you for attention to my letter.
> This simple project is related to modification of Maxima's solver
> (equations and inequalities).
> Using domain function in the solver to eliminate wrong roots from the
> final result of the function.
> I have developed new functions:
> 1) module that computes domain of superposition of elementary functions;
> 2) interval arithmetics module;
> 3) module to solve equations and inequalities.
> Modules to solve inequalities ond compute domain are located in the
> same file "ineq_domain.mac".
> Module to solve equations is located in the "solve_equation.mac".
> Interval arithmetics functions are written in the
> "interval_arithmetics.mac".
> 1), (inequality 3)) Package to solve inequalities is based on idea of
> "solve_rat_ineq" and
> package "fourier_elim". It can solve polynomial and rational
> inequalities, and linear
> inequalities with functions abs(), max(), min() and simple cases that
> can be reduced to linear ones.
> This package produces answer - internal representation of lists of
> intervals. It uses
> package "interval_arithmetic" to perform basic operations with
> intervals and lists of intervals:
> intersect, combine, exclude, etc. (comments on internal arithmetic
> functions are written in source
> file "interval_arithmetic.mac".)
> Internal representation from the function 'solve_ineq' is used to
> compute domain of mathematical
> expressions. It process superposition of functions and accumulate list
> of all sub-domains for
> subexpressions. Basic points to compute domain are functions:
> f(x)/g(x), log(f(x)), (f(x)^(g(x)), tan(x), cot(x), sec(x), csc(x),
> asin(x),
> acos(x),f(x)^(negative exponent).
> Functions: domain_return(expr, var), solve_ineq(ineq, var) ---
> produces result in
> the internal representation of lists of intervals, single points,
> periodic results and
> unsolved expressions.
> Functions: solve_inequality(ineq, var), domain_solve(expr, var) ---
> produces result in
> the TeX-form. It can be used to output results as images or .pdf and
> .ps text.
> 2) Internal arithmetics package is used in solving domain, equality
> and inequality.
> Description of basic functions is located in the file
> "interval_arithmetic.mac".
> If the function does not include in its name suffix _strict_, it
> handles input parameters
> as the set of segments (The boundary points of intervals are
> included). If a function
> name contains the suffix _strcit_, then the input and output values of
> intervals, and
> segments should be interpreted as follows:
> ______________________________
> _________________________________
> Internal representation |||| Mathematical representation
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | [a,b] ->
> (a,b) |
> | [[a,a],[a,b]] ->
> [a,b) |
> | [[a,b],[b,b]] ->
> (a,b] |
> | [[a,a],[a,b],[b,b]] ->
> [a,b] |
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 3) Package to solve equations. It uses functions 'solve' and
> 'to_poly_solve'. Some steps of the
> solution are displayed. Before solution of the equation it does
> preprocessing to check domain of
> expression, check some classes of equations and special processing.
> Result contains roots from real domain only (Russian school's program
> does not contain imaginary domain
> and this packages will be used for special school program).
> This module catches errors of 'to_poly_solve' (if it can not solve)
> and produces corresponding result
> without error message.
> This module is written to solve single equations with one variable
> (mainly). But it has some processing
> of systems of equations (in that case it calls 'solve' function to
> solve the system of equations).
> After solving of equation this module does post-processing to discard
> roots that are not in the domain of
> initial equation.
> Result is the list of explicit roots (or intervals: x/x=1 => (minf,
> 0), (0, inf)), periodic roots, unsolved
> expressions.
> In some cases solver have to turn off Maxima's simplifier: it is
> necessary to compute domain for some
> expressions before simplification stage. For example:
> asin(x)/asin(x)=1. If simplifier is turned on then result
> is [minf, inf]. Else if simplifier is turned off then result is [-1,
> 0), (0, 1]. For equation
> ((x+1)/(x+1)+(2*x+3)/(2*x+3))/((x^2-4)/(x^2-4))=2 result is (minf,
> -2),(-2, -3/2),(-3/2, -1), (-1, 2), (2, inf)
> (or in TeX-form $$x\in\left( -\infty
> ,-2\right)\cup\left(-2,-{{3}\over{2}}\right)\cup\left(-{{3}\over{2}},-1\right)
> \cup\left(-1,2\right)\cup\left(2,\infty \right)$$)
> Interesting example of using simp:false.
> If simp:true then function solve(1.3^x=6, x) and function
> to_poly_solve(1.3^x=6, x) can not solve it.
> If simp:false then solve produces correct result - correct root
> log(6)/log(13/10)
> $$x={{\log 6}\over{\log \left({{13}\over{10}}\right)}}$$
> Function: solve_equation(equation, vars) --- produces result in
> TeX-form expression.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> !!!!!!Warning!!!!!!!!!!
> Before using of these modules You should do:
> load("interval_arithmetic.mac"),
> load("ineq_domain.mac"),
> load("solve_equation.mac"),
> All functions of the above-mentioned packages should process some
> cases when simplifier is turned off.
> Instruction for usage of functions:
> 1. before each function call you should do simp:false;
> 2. then function call: solve_equation(expr, var),
> solve_inequality(expr, var),
> domain_solve(expr, var),
> solve_ineq(expr, var),
> domain_return(expr, var);
> 3. after function call you should do simp:true. It is necessary due
> to correct working of other Maxima's functions.
> Example:
> simp:false,
> solve_equation((x+1)/(x+1)+(2*x+3)/(2*x+3)=2,x),
> simp:true,
> simp:false,
> solve_equation(1/x*sin(sqrt(cot(1/(x-sin(log(asin(x)))))))+acos(tan(x+10))+(1+x)^(x*sqrt(x+2*cos(x)))=0,x),
> simp:true,
> simp:false,
> solve_inequality((x-1)/(x-2)*(x-3)/(x-4)*(x-5)/(x-6)>=0,x),
> simp:true,
> simp:false,
> domain_solve(sqrt(abs(x)-7*x)+asin(1/1000000*x)/(x^2-16)+log(abs(x+5)-4)+(x-1)/(x-1)+(100000000-x^4)^(25*x)=0,x),
> simp:true,
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> I work at solve_inequality package to add processing of new cases:
> /* TODO: Inequality preprocessor
> * Analyze type of the equation:
> * - with abs function,
> * - with square roots,
> * - with exponentiation,
> * - with logarithms,
> * - with trigonometric and arc-trigonometric functions
> */
> Also I am going to add special processing of periodic solutions ---
> correct intersection, combination, output.
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> If it would be possible for You, please, try to test these packages.
> Best regards,
> Mihail Denisenko
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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