Packages to solve domain, equations and inequalities, interval arithmetic functions.

Barton Willis wrote:
> I glanced at your code, but I don't have the time to study
> it closely right now. One comment:
> The code does a great deal of switching between simp : true and
> simp : false.
I see many places where you do simp:true,   but not simp:false.
> Like it or not, most all of Maxima will not function
> properly with when simp is false.
This is correct.

>  If your code sets simp to false to
> because you would like solve(x / x = 1) --> (x # 0), a much better
> approach would be to define your own division function that simplifies
> the way you want it to simplify.

Or maybe some way of encoding   {x which might be zero so don't divide 
by it}.  This would require some effort.  But it is certainly necessary 
to do intervals, e.g.
[-1,1]/[-1,1]   is not 1,  but "division by an interval containing zero"


>  Then you'll need to tell your solver
> how to handle expressions involving your division function.
> Barton
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