Subject: How to suppress warnings of some types in Maxima
From: mihail22 mihail22
Date: Thu, 26 Nov 2009 21:28:39 +0300
In year 2008 there was a question: how to suppress warning messages in
Maxima. I want to add some small advices.
If Your Maxima is based on CLISP (my system uses CLISP 2.44.1 (2008-02-23))
then you can eliminate some annoying messages.
1) WARNING: DEFUN/DEFMACRO: redefining function ...
To eliminate it from output you should enter command:
2) WARNING: Replacing method ...
This type of warnings is related to CLOS (*Common Lisp Object System) .
There a lot classes of warnings in CLOS. Each of those warnings could be
suppressed by function with corresponding parameter (**NAME-Of-WARNING-CLASS
:lisp (ext:set-global-handler 'NAME-Of-WARNING-CLASS
For our case with replacing method it could be suppressed by
:lisp (ext:set-global-handler 'CLOS:GF-REPLACING-METHOD-WARNING
Best regards,
Mihail Denisenko