Subject: How to suppress warnings of some types in Maxima
From: Mihail Denisenko
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 19:27:18 +0300
Thank you for answer.
I agree that at first we have try to fix the issue (not to suppress
Elimination of warnings may be useful in some cases. For example, if you
want to parse output of the Maxima and use result in your own program.
If we know that warnings do not corrupt result of the solving process, then
we can suppress messages about redefinition...
Best regards,
Mihail D
2009/11/27 Raymond Toy <toy.raymond at>
> mihail22 mihail22 wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > In year 2008 there was a question: how to suppress warning messages in
> > Maxima. I want to add some small advices.
> > If Your Maxima is based on CLISP (my system uses CLISP 2.44.1
> > (2008-02-23)) then you can eliminate some annoying messages.
> > 1) WARNING: DEFUN/DEFMACRO: redefining function ...
> > To eliminate it from output you should enter command:
> We should eliminate the warnings by actually fixing this issues instead
> of just suppressing the message. (No one has gotten around to that yet.)
> > 2) WARNING: Replacing method ...
> > This type of warnings is related to CLOS (/Common Lisp Object System)
> > . There a lot classes of warnings in CLOS. Each of those warnings
> > could be suppressed by function with corresponding parameter
> > :lisp (ext:set-global-handler 'NAME-Of-WARNING-CLASS
> > #'muffle-warning)
> > /
> Maxima doesn't really use much CLOS so it might be ok to suppress this.
> But these warnings have been there for a long time, before any CLOS was
> used in maxima. I think. Might be an issue with clisp. But we should
> fix the problem if possible instead of suppressing the message.
> Ray