Assigning solve result to function

Dmitry Vinokurov <d.vinokuroff at> writes:

> I've got an equation, for example 'x_1 + x_2 = 0' (of course real case 
> is not so simple, but it's enough for demonstration) and I need to get 
> function F(x_2) from it.
> I tried to use solve for it 'solve(x_1 + x_2 = 0, x_1)' and get 'x_1 = - 
> x_2'. Now I couldn't find, how to extract right part of solve result 
> into function. Just 'F(x_2) := solve(x_1 + x_2 = 0, x_1)' of course 
> doesn't work, it results to 'x_1 = -x_2' instead of wanted '- x_2'.


I'm not sure whether you really want solve, since I'm not sure exactly
what you're doing, but something like the following should work:

Maxima 5.19post
using Lisp SBCL
Distributed under the GNU Public License. See the file COPYING.
Dedicated to the memory of William Schelter.
The function bug_report() provides bug reporting information.
(%i1) eq: x_1+x_2 = 0;
(%o1)                            x_2 + x_1 = 0
(%i2) f(x_2) := ''(rhs(first(solve(eq, x_1))));
(%o2)                           f(x_2) := - x_2
(%i3) f(3);
(%o3)                                 - 3
(%i4) f(x_2) := rhs(first(solve(eq, x_1)));
(%o4)                f(x_2) := rhs(first(solve(eq, x_1)))
(%i5) f(3);
(%o5)                                - x_2

Note that solve returns a list of solutions, so first() selects
(hopefully) the only member of the list and rhs then selects the right
hand side.

Also note the ''( ) to make sure the definition gets evaluated: the
second version doesn't do what you want.

Of course, this only works if solve manages to find exactly one solution
to your equation and can express it in the form x_1 = g(x_2).

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