ezgcd bug / fix

Am Sonntag, den 29.11.2009, 14:09 -0600 schrieb Barton Willis:
> Bug (reported):
>  (%i1) ezgcd(rat(x-7), x-8);
>  (%o1) true
> This bug is due to a spurious return:
> (defmfun $ezgcd (&rest args)
>   (prog (pfl allvars presult flag genvar denom pfl2)
>      ;;need if genvar doesn't shrink
>      (when (null args)
>        (wna-err '$ezgcd))
>      (when (some #'$ratp args)
>        (return (setq flag t))) ;; <-- spurious return
>      ...
> The variable flag determines if the result should be converted to general
> form on exiting.
> There are no problems with the testsuite. Is it OK to make this fix now?

I cannot say much about it, because I do not know the code of $ezgcd. I
would commit it, when the testsuite (and share_testsuite) has no
problems and the bug is no longer present.

Dieter Kaiser