Simplification of infinities

Dieter Kaiser wrote:
> The simplification for an mplus expression is invoked in simplus:
> (defmfun simplus (x w z)                ; W must be 1
>   (prog (res check eqnflag matrixflag sumflag)
>      (if (null (cdr x)) (return 0))
>      (setq check x)
> -->  (if (intersection '($inf $minf $infinity $ind $und) x)
>          (return (simp-infinities x)))
>      ...
> The code will slow down because we have to check if one of the arguments
> to the "+"-operator is one of the infinities or indeterminates. Similar
> checks are implemented for the operator "*" in simptimes and for the
> operator "^" in simpexpt.
> One advantage of this approach is, that the simplification of infinities
> is completely separated from the current simplifier. This allows to
> separate possible problems too. Furthermore, I think this is the reason,
> why the code works so well with the testsuite.
> The disadvantage is, that we have to check every time we enter the
> simplifying routine like simplus for infinities.
Maybe it will not work if inf is embedded, e.g.

   0 * (3+inf).

since (intersection '($inf ...)  '(0  ((mplus) 3 $inf))  is nit..