init command-line options, ii

On Mon, 28 Sep 2009, Robert Dodier wrote:

< On 9/27/09, Leo Butler <l.butler at> wrote:
< > I have added 3 command line options to allow the user to set the name of
< > the init files. I have also patched the maxima man page to reflect the
< > addition of these options, plus the recent addition of other options.
< I'm in favor of applying this patch, with some minor changes,
< namely to make the options --init-mac and --init-lisp instead of
< --initmac and --initlisp, to spell out "initialization" instead of "init"
< in the written documentation, to capitalize Lisp and Maxima
< where they occur as proper nouns, and make some changes
< of the wording in hope of greater clarity.
< If nobody is opposed, I'll apply the patch with those changes.
< Thanks to Leo for doing the work.
< best
< Robert Dodier

I propose to make a few alterations to init-cl.lisp and In
the former, I've added 3 command-line options and fixed bug report
SF bug #2892710. In the latter, I've documented these extra options, along
with a couple undocumented options added by others.

The documentation and code have been amended along the lines suggested
by Robert.

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