openmcl bigfloat benchmark (was: Maxima + openmcl windows installer)

On Mon, 2009-12-14 at 21:52 +0100, Volker van Nek wrote:
> I have noticed that bigfloat computations are quite slow with Clozure.

I can confirm that with Maxima 5.10.1 + Lisp Clozure Common Lisp Version
1.3-RC1-r11719M (in Ubuntu amd64) even though CCL is very fast in
floating point calculations.

I used the following 3 benchmark commands:

1- bfloat(%pi), fpprec:10000$
2- bfloat(%pi), fpprec:100000$
3- rk([x*(y^2+2*x*y-x-15*y/4+1), y*(-2*x^2-x*y+y+15*x/4-1)],[x,
(numerical solution of a non-linear differential equation).

Results (times in seconds):
              CLISP 2.44.1      SBCL 1.0.18   CCL 1.3-RC1-r11719M
Benchmark 1     0.0700            0.0500          0.4200
Benchmark 2     4.5700            3.3200         30.9300
Benchmark 3     7.6400            1.7600          1.5200

CCL is fastest one in floating-point calculations, but about 10 times
slower than SBCL in the bfloat calculation.
