problems with abs() and cabs()

On Thu, 2010-01-07 at 13:42 +0300, Stanislav Maslovski wrote:
> Basically, in the code below I can
> calculate and plot sqrt(re^2 + im^2), but I cannot do it with abs(),
> nor with cabs(): it never finishes and Maxima does not react to the
> keyboard interrupt either. Maybe, this triggers a bug in gcl?
Thanks for reporting this.
It does not seem to be a GCL bug, because I see the same problem with
SBCL. With a grid smaller than the default 50x50 it works:


even though it takes too much time; it looks like a problem with
cabs + coerce-float-fun.
Could you please report this bug in the bug tracking system? I will
investigate it.
