remove hashed array inside block?

On January 06 Robert Dodier wrote:
The variations of kill and remarray which you showed don't
work because those functions quote their arguments;
the variations apply(kill, ...) and apply(remarray, ...) work
because then the arguments are evaluated.

Thanks for the info. The 5.19.2 manual entry for kill mentions
the quote issue, but the manual entry for remarray does not.


copy of manual entry:
Function: remarray (A_1, ..., A_n)
Function: remarray (all)

Removes arrays and array associated functions and frees the storage 
occupied. The arguments may be declared arrays, undeclared (hashed) arrays, 
array functions, and subscripted functions.

remarray (all) removes all items in the global list arrays.

It may be necessary to use this function if it is desired to redefine the 
values in a hashed array.

remarray returns the list of arrays removed