Subject: itensor, ic_convert for continuity equation
From: Leo Butler
Date: Tue, 12 Jan 2010 16:06:22 +0000 (GMT)
On Tue, 12 Jan 2010, Valery Pipin wrote:
< The right code is
< derivabbrev:true$
< load(itensor)$
< load(ctensor)$
< ct_coordsys(cartesian3d)$
< cmetric()$
< christof(all)$
< depends([rho,p,q,T],[ct_coords, t])$
t needs to be added to the list of coordinates, like
otherwise Maxima treats ct_coords as a scalar and
the subsequent output is rubbish. The current cvs
maxima checks and signals an error.
< imetric: g$
< eq:ishow( s = covdiff((rho([],[]) * q([],[a])),a))$
< ic_convert(eq);
< s: [0,0,0]$
< %th(2), ev;
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