float and bfloat issues

It seems to me that polarform should be an ordered pair of r and theta 
representing r*exp(%i*theta).
changing the exp()  to an approximation of e to a power is not  what I 
would expect.

But what we would really need is a whole set of stuff so that
polarform(r1,theta1)  <op> polarform(r2,theta2)  comes out as   

where op = the usual arithmetic.  Also functions like sin cos tan...
All of which could, I suppose be  implemented as e.g. sin(pf) = 
polarform(sin(rectform(pf)))  until people
find them inadequate ...

Raymond Toy wrote:
> These were sent to me by Jim FitzSimons, who wrote the bigfloat
> implementation of elliptic integrals that I translated into Lisp.
> bfloat(sqrt(%i)) -> 1.0b0*(-1)^(1/4)
> Should this be more like .707+.707*%i?
> Another issue is
> float(polarform(sqrt(1+%i))) -> 1.18*2.718^(%i*%pi/8)
> But
> bfloat(polarform(sqrt(1+%i))) -> 1.18*(3.82b-1*%i+9.23b-1)
> Not sure which is the correct answer.  In some ways, the float result is
> better since it preserves the polarform, but doesn't float the phase
> part.  The bfloat result is better since everything is a bfloat, but the
> polarform is converted to rectangular.
> Ray
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