
On 01/26/2010 02:24 PM, Barton Willis wrote:
> If domain(log) = (0,inf), then limit(log(x),x,0) = -inf is
> correct. This is agrees with the limit definition in T. Apostal, for
> example. And it agrees, I think with
> Now if domain(log) = complex - {0}, the correct value is complex
> infinity (infinity in Maxima); see the section "Complex
> analysis" in
> Of course, largely the problem is that limits are defined for
> functions, not their formulae. We have limit(n in Z |-->  sin(n),
> infinity) = 0, but limit(n in R |-->  sin(n), infinity) is undefined
> (here Z = set of integers and R = set of reals).
> Barton
> maxima-bounces at wrote on 01/26/2010 12:49:28 PM:
>> [image removed]
>> [Maxima] limit(log(x),x,0)?
>> Raymond Toy
>> to:
>> Maxima List
>> 01/26/2010 12:49 PM
>> Sent by:
>> maxima-bounces at
>> What is limit(log(x),x,0)?  Maxima currently returns infinity.  I
>> suppose that's correct, but with a default domain of real, shouldn't
>> this be undefined?
>> Ray
>> _______________________________________________
>> Maxima mailing list
>> Maxima at
> _______________________________________________
> Maxima mailing list
> Maxima at
> .
OK, let's discuss this a bit.  For details, see Ahlfors (Complex 
Analysis) or some similar book.

   In the complex case, (as in the real case) the log should be the 
inverse function for z -> exp(z).

In the real case x -> exp(x) is strictly increasing, so there is no 
problem defining the inverse function on R (the set of real numbers).

However, in the complex case, the function z -> exp(z) is far from 
one-to-one.  In fact, it assumes every finite non-zero complex value 
infinitely often.

The easiest way to visualize this is to write   a non-zero complex 
number w in polar form as
   w = r*exp(%i * theta) where r = abs(z) and theta is some real number 
(thought of as an angle) called an 'argument' of w.
Since r > 0, and r is real, we can write r = exp(r1) for some real 
number r1.

  Then, w = exp(r1)*exp(%i*theta) = exp(r1+%i*theta).

   For any theta_1 = theta + n*2*%pi, with n some integer, we get that  
w = exp(r1 + %i*theta_1) = exp(r1 + %i*theta).

Let C be the set of complex numbers.

  So, to define the complex log function, we need to specify domains D1, 
D2 in  C such that f(z) = exp(z) maps D1 bijectively onto D2 and then 
  (what is usually called a "branch" of log(z)) to be the inverse map 
from D2 onto D1.

Typically, one chooses D2 to be the complement of an infinite half-line 
joining 0 to infinity in C and one obtains D1 as a strip of the form
   { (x,y): x \in R, theta_1 <  y < theta_1 + 2*%pi } for some fixed 
real number theta_1

In the case where theta_1 = -%pi, one speaks of the "principal branch" 
of log(z), and writes this Log(z).
