The errors you are seeing are due to source code comments that spilled
over the a new line, I think.
Delete the comments and these errors will vanish.
maxima-bounces at wrote on 02/03/2010 02:07:26 PM:
> [image removed]
> Re: [Maxima] limits of signum expressions
> Richard Hennessy
> to:
> Barton Willis, maxima
> 02/03/2010 02:05 PM
> Sent by:
> maxima-bounces at
> I think I found some bugs. Pw.mac is not loaded. Hopefully they
> are an easy fix.
> (%i2) load(nulim);
> (out2) C:/
> Maxima-5.20.1/share/maxima/5.20.1/share/contrib/nulim.lisp
> (%i3) limit(signum(a*x+b),x,1/a);
> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
> Error in LET* [or a callee]: IS is an illegal COND clause.