Thanks for all responses
On Sat Feb 13 15:33:53 CST 2010 Stavros Macrakis wrote:
> What is your purpose in doing this calculation? Is it just to explore the limits of Maxima on >GCL?...
These calculations have appeared quite by chance, while demonstrating
to some students how quickly increase the number of terms when
expanding a polynomial. So nothing critical, of course. My intention
was not to show weakness of Maxima in relation to other CAS programs.
Overall I prefer Maxima because of his great flexibility in
manipulating expressions and also because of his user interface
(wxmaxima) by comparison with other free cas programs. It is easy to
reach the limits for the others CAS too (for example, just by doubling
exponents in my example)
My Maxima parameters:
Maxima version: 5.20.1
Maxima build date: 19:27 12/14/2009
Host type: i686-pc-linux-gnu
Lisp implementation type: SBCL
Lisp implementation version:
So is sbcl, not gcl and ubuntu/linux not windows (but indeed I'm not linux guru, I switched to linux just 3 months ago)
In my previous post I wrote by mistake rez:length(ratexpand(p1*p2))$ instead rez:length(ratexpand(p1*p2));
But I still don't get any error message for this particular example(
both wxmaxima and xmaxima) . Maybe I changed by accident some system
options, I don't know what to say.
On Sat Feb 13 09:58:30 CST 2010 Richard Fateman fateman at wrote:
<You can multiply p1 by p2 in a few seconds. It takes about 5 seconds on my machine.
<do rat(p1*p2)$...
Thanks for explanations, much faster indeed. On my machine it takes about 2 seconds, so on pair with Reduce or Fricas .
Sorry for my poor english.