eigenvectors with maxima


? eigenvectors
shows the documentation of this function: eigenvectors is part of an
additional package and you get the information how to load this package.
Just type 
load ("eigen");
After loading the addon package you can use eigenvectors.

Volker van Nek

Am Mittwoch, den 17.02.2010, 00:30 +0100 schrieb V:
> What's wrong?
> Vasco
> (%i1 ) eigenvectors (matrix([1]));
> Could not find `EIGEN' using paths in file_search_maxima,system.
> #0: eigenvectors(?_l=[matrix([1])])
>  -- an error. To debug this try: debugmode(true);
> (%i2) bug_report();
> The Maxima bug database is available at
>     http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=104933&group_id=4933&func=browse
> Submit bug reports by following the 'Add new' link on that page.
> Please include the following information with your bug report:
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Maxima version: 5.20.1
> Maxima build date: 22:2 1/19/2010
> Host type: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> Lisp implementation type: GNU Common Lisp (GCL)
> Lisp implementation version: GCL 2.6.7
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> The above information is also reported by the function 'build_info'.