The current behavior is *not* the 40-year-old behavior -- it is something
that Dodier changed (against your objections and mine if I remember
correctly) a few years ago.
The clean way to handle all this is of course some sort of lambda expression
as you say, perhaps sum(lambda([i],...), <<set expression>>). But that is
too heavy as a surface syntax -- you don't want the user to have to write
sum(lambda([i],i),integer_sequence(1,k)) instead of sum(i,i,1,k) -- and
anyway Maxima treats lambda as a barrier to simplification and doesn't have
much in the way of set expressions.
Perhaps the clean but user-friendly thing to do is to define sum(a,b,c,d) as
syntactic sugar for sum(lambda([b],a),integer_sequence(c,d)) and have the
semantics follow from that. But there are still the simplification problems
mentioned above.
Another way to approach it would be to define a sequence formalism, so that
sum(a,b,c,d) would b equivalent to sum(
make_sequence(lambda([b],a),integer_sequence(c,d) ). Even more stuff....
You could also define sum on sets as opposed to sequences, in which case the
sum would of course have to be unconditionally convergent to be
On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 3:20 PM, Richard Fateman <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu>wrote:
> Robert Dodier wrote:
> ...
> I think we should consider making $sum an ordinary
>> argument-evaluating function, and do away with the peculiar
>> evaluation scheme which is now in place.
> It's been there for 40 years. Other computer algebra systems probably do
> the same
> kind of thing. I doubt that the arguments pro and con have changed in that
> time.
> Undoubtedly a change would prompt bug reports like those from plot.
> In Mathematica, Sum has attribute "HoldAll". As does NIntegrate. Oddly,
> Integrate does not.
> As I've suggested previously, a cleaner way of doing some summation
> notation is to internalize the index, e.g.
> sum( lambda([i] ....expression involving i ), 1,n).
> but this seems to be unpopular with programs that muck around with the
> expression,
> not evaluating it.
> It would be easy to add a program, maybe call it dosum, which always
> evaluates its arguments,
> instead of changing sum.
> It would also be nice to allow the syntax for i:1 thru n sum f(i).
> instead of
> (s:0, for i:1 thru n do s:s+f(i), s)j. That would be like dosum, except
> better, since
> for i in [a,b,c] sum f(i) would work too.
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