$asksign might need its own context

On 2/22/10 5:01 PM, Dieter Kaiser wrote:
> We have the bug report ID: 932095 - ode2 redundant asksign. 
> At first a more simple example to show the problem:
> (%i3) integrate(x^a,x)+integrate(x^(a-1),x);
> Is  a+1  zero or nonzero?
> z;
> Is  a  zero or nonzero?
> n;
> (%o3) log(x)+x^a/a
> The problem is that Maxima loses the fact that a+1 = 0. 
[snip implementation details]
> With this changes we get for the example from above:
> (%i5) integrate(x^a,x)+integrate(x^(a-1),x);
> Is  a+1  zero or nonzero?
> z;
> (%o5) log(x)+x^a/a
Is this really what we want?  Granted, for this example it produces the
desired result, assuming that the a in both integrals really are the
same a.  I'm not sure this is always true.

I recall when working on hgfred that sometimes hgfred would remember
certain facts when it asked questions.  And these facts would be
remembered so that I could no longer get hgfred to ask the same question
so I could select a different answer.  I didn't know where the info was
stored so I ended up using new variables all the time.

Of course, at other times, I wished maxima would remember facts, as you
show above.

It seems that there may not be one correct answer; it all depends on the
context.  :-)
