On Wed, 24 Feb 2010, Jaime Villate wrote:
< On Tue, 2010-02-23 at 18:24 +0000, Leo Butler wrote:
< > plot2d(...,[gnuplot_preamble,"set terminal postscript; set output
< > \"foo.eps\";"]);
< >
< > appears to require that subsequent calls manually reset the terminal
< > to the default. This is not expected behaviour, and I wonder why the
< > change was made if it was intended.
< It is a bug. I'll investigate it. I made some changes for v 5.20 in the
< way gnuplot_preamble is treated to avoid interference with the custom
< preamble set up by plot2d.
< In the meantime, you can avoid the bug and get the same result with:
< plot2d(...,[psfile,"foo.eps"]);
Thanks, Jaime. For the record, the method you've suggested doesn't avoid
the bug. The gnuplot terminal is not reset.
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