maxima with imaxima and xemacs, latex error.

On Thu, 25 Feb 2010, Alejandro Morales wrote:

< Hi:
< With the following instructions in maxima using imaxima on xemacs I get a
< latex error:
< e1:x_1*K_1+%i*x_1*G_1-k*k_2/m_1-omega**2*x_1=F/m_1;
< e2:x_2*K_2+%i*x_2*G_2-k*k_1/m_2-omega**2*x_2=0;
< [globalsolve:false,programmode:false];
< linsolve([e1,e2],[x_1,x_2]);
< polarform(%t4);
< With the last instruction imaxima gives the  message "Latex error in" and a
< huge latex file. Is there a way to fix this problem?
< Thanks: A. Morales.
Try using underdeclared arrays instead of subscripted variable names.
Although the latex code generated by your code does compile for me, the
subscripts can cause problems.


The latex code will 'do the right thing' with the array subscripts.


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