On 3/1/10 1:49 PM, Jaime Villate wrote:
> On Sun, 2010-02-28 at 14:41 -0500, Raymond Toy wrote:
>> Just for fun, I created a code swarm
>> <http://code.google.com/p/codeswarm/> movie for maxima.
>> You can find it at <http://common-lisp.net/~rtoy/maxima/maxima.mov>.
>> I
>> think this is a Quicktime movie so you'll need Quicktime to play it.
>> (I
>> tried other formats but ffmpeg either crashed or complained.)
> I have transformed it into MPEG; you can find it at:
> http://fisica.fe.up.pt/maxima/maxima.mpg
> And if you want to make it easier to access, it can be uploaded to
> youtube, which will keep the original MPG and make a smaller FLV
> version.
> Very nice; although I think only real computer geeks will appreciate
> such thing. I'd like to see xmaxima also included in the film (directory
> interfaces).
That's easy enough to do. Do you want xmaxima on it's own, or is it ok
to include all of interfaces?
If anyone else has suggestions I can include it.
Or anyone else can make his own version. It was pretty easy. The only
thing is you have to postprocess the output of cvs log because
code_swarm/convert_logs doesn't like the data format that cvs produces.
(Doesn't like the time zone offset that cvs log produces.) And you have
to edit convert_logs to accept the date in the format y/m/d instead of