On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 7:23 PM, Janek Kozicki <janek_listy at wp.pl> wrote:
> Hi,
> As I start to use maxima (through wxmaxima frontend) I see a place
> for improvement in the interface. I don't have any patches right now,
> but there is a chance that I will produce some. Mainly dealing with
> display, I would tend to modify it toward a typical school
> notebook-like display.
> question is: where should I discuss that? i.e. I would ask a question
> where to modify a prticular thing, discuss a bit, and send a patch
> somehwere. Where?
There is a wxmaxima project page at
https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxmaxima/ , you can post patches at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxmaxima/develop and if you have
questions specific to wxmaxima you can use the forum at
http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxmaxima/forums/forum/435775 .
> But in fact, as I am just starting I wouldn't mind using another
> frontend. But What else can I use? Keeping in mind that I don't use
> emacs (but gvim) I don't see much choice... is there some choice that
> I'm unaware of? I want to see formulas rendered in TeX format, like
> wxmaxima does.
wxmaxima does not use TeX to display math. GUIs which use TeX are
texmacs and imaxima and the latest version of KDE includes Cantor,
which I think uses TeX too.
HTH, Andrej