Leo Butler said: (by the date of Tue, 2 Mar 2010 20:41:57 +0000 (GMT))
> Doesn't this do what you want?
> (%o11) [e,N[1],N[2],I,a]
> (%i12) solve(eqs,vars);
yes, it does... now :) I wonder why I couldn't get it right last
week. But now it works great, thanks :)
In fact my set of equations was larger, and dealing with them was
done in those subst(...) that I mentioned. But now it's all solved in
a single line. Looks and works great.
That's how I did it:
I'm using transpose in order to see all solutions nicely listed in
vertical vector (or matrix it is?)
(I'm using polish vocabulary above, but it shouldn't matter for you, now:
uklad_rownan - equations
niewiadome - unknowns
[krazka] - disc ;))
thanks again.
But in fact the OP still didn't get an answer.....
Janek Kozicki |