maxima frontends summary. (Was Re: wxmaxima development & patches: where?)

On Fri, 5 Mar 2010, Janek Kozicki wrote:
> - texmacs, uses TeX rendering, is very bloated and crashes
>  every 5 minutes (debian squeeze, clean install). Also it seems to
>  be very emacs-centered, and I dislike emacs. So I trash texmacs in
>  favour of other options.
Debian and Ubuntu are shipping broken texmacs for ages. I run Gentoo, and 
TeXmacs works fine. Its main purpose is to be a wysiwyg replacement for 
TeX/LaTeX, the use as a front-end to many CASs (and numerical packages 
like octave or R) is secondary.

> - euler - also I'm unable to find the debian package on
Euler is primarily a native Windows program. A long time ago there was a 
gtk port that worked in Linux. I suppose this is what you can find in 
Debian. But this ancient version cannot interact with maxima. The author 
of euler recommends to run a modern version under wine. Don't know, never 
tried. By the way, the main purpose of euler is to be a matlab-like 
numerical program, interface to maxima is secondary.
