Producing Examples for Manual

Am Montag, den 08.03.2010, 20:40 +0100 schrieb Wilhelm Haager:
> Hi,
> I want to make a manual using texinfo, but I don't know how to
> produce the examples (automatically) like those in the Maxima manual.
> When I call for example Maxima this way:
>     maxima --batch-string "x:a**2/b**2;",
> I get the following result:
>                                    2
>                                   a
> (%i1)                         x : --
>                                    2
>                                   b
>                                  2
>                                 a
> (%o1)                           --
>                                  2
>                                 b
> I think, the input expression should not be "displayed-2d",
> but reproduced exactly as typed in (also without indentation);
> how can that be done?
> I'm using Maxima-5.10.1 on Windows XP.
> (I don't know, whether the Perl-script "update-examples" is still actual,
> at least it does not run under Windows.)

Hello Wilhelm,

there are two possibilities. You can use the command grind to get the
last output in a linear form or switch off the 2d-display with
display2d:false. The command grind displays the linear output on a fresh

(%i21) x:a^2/b^2;
(%o21)                                --
(%i22) grind(%);
(%o22)                               done

(%i23) display2d:false;
(%o23) false

(%i24) x:a^2/b^2;
(%o24) a^2/b^2

Dieter Kaiser