Bug report ID:2960403 "spurious floats in asksign"

On 3/8/10, Dieter Kaiser <drdieterkaiser at web.de> wrote:

> Perhaps, it is the best to go back to revision 1.17 and then to put in
> again the changes up to revision 1.23. I have not much experience with
> CVS and its possibilities. Perhaps someone else can have a look at this.

Well, I tried this:

cvs up -p r1.17 src/db.lisp > db.lisp-r1.17
cvs diff -u -r1.18 -r1.24 src/db.lisp > db.lisp-r1.18-r1.24-diff
patch db.lisp-r1.17 db.lisp-r1.18-r1.24-diff

but patch complains that most of the hunks fail.
patch -l (ignore whitespace changes) doesn't help.

At this point I guess the only thing to do is to attempt to
apply the r1.18-r1.24 changes by hand.


Robert Dodier