Bug report ID: 643254 "orderlessp([rat(x)], [rat(x)])"

Am Montag, den 15.03.2010, 16:36 -0700 schrieb Richard Fateman:
> Since $orderlessp and $ordergreatp are probably used rarely,  that would 
> be the logical place to put them.
> Changing great is like putting an extra check in an inner loop. A bad idea.
> I feel strongly about this because I personally spent several weeks 
> trying to make "great" run faster, in
> the original Macsyma design, and spent several weeks at other times 
> trying to figure out how to make
> it less necessary to call great.  With some success. Dodier in 
> particular has resisted installing these patches,
> though I must admit I have not pressed him on it, since whoever installs 
> them would have to deal with the
> possibility of very subtle bugs and even slow-downs (on small expressions).
> note that simplus has a loop which effectively does a sort, using great, 
> that is not only n^2, it is probably n^3 or worse,
> when it could be n*log(n).
> Same for simptimes.
> Why?
>    1. it uses a naive insertion sort. using lists not arrays.
>    2. it repeatedly compares items recursively whose order is already known.
> While checking to see if something is (say) in CRE form or not is only a 
> small cost, it is in an inner loop of the simplifier.
> If by chance there is a CRE form, say F, something terrible may happen...
> say that doing totaldisrep(F) costs 1 second, because F is very complicated.
> Now add F to an expression of length n.  The addition might cost n 
> seconds, because each time
> great is called, and it may be done n times,  totaldisrep is called again.
> One way around this is if you remember the totaldisrep value.  maybe 
> store it here ((mrat simp varlist genvars  ***totaldisrepvalue***)  .... )
> by some destructive operation.  This might be hazardous.
> Also note that simplus and simptimes need not sort ANYTHING, but simply 
> hash to match things up. 
>   Thus plus and times do not need to call great at all, unless there
> is some other operation that needs the order. Like printing.
> Poisson series are, I think, not used by anyone. Which is probably a 
> good thing, because when I last looked, they were
> installed incorrectly.
> There are 2 versions, and you are supposed to choose which one to load. 
> Instead, they are both loaded, one on top of the other.
> (I wrote these packages..)
> The original (and still operational!) version of loading up a Maxima 
> system was done by running a lisp program which loaded up
> the files and then dumped out the binary system.  It was set up so that 
> one or the other Poisson system was loaded.  This subtlety
> was, I think lost when "make" was used.  Make is perhaps inevitable 
> because parts of Maxima are not in lisp: plotting and wxmaxima
> for example.  But it looks to me like way too much of the setup has been 
> moved out of lisp, and requires tools that are perilous.
> See how much of the system setup has to be revised when a new version 
> comes out.

Hello Richard,

meanwhile I have done some statistic for great. I was to optimistic. It
is not possible to avoid a lot of unnecessary calls to specrepchecks. I
have counted 8,243,414 calls of great form the testsuite. At least I
have needed 5,108,140 calls of specrepcheck to get a total order which
includes the special representations. That seems to me too much. 

Furthermore, I have learned that it is easy to break something when
putting a specrepcheck at the wrong place.

As mentioned earlier we can replace in $orderlessp and $ordergreatp the
calls of specrepcheck with $totaldisrep and ignore the issue with the
Poisson representation.

This can be easy done, does not change much and we can close the bug

Dieter Kaiser