Applications of Computer Algebra 2010, Vlores Albania

      From 2010 June 24 -- 27 in University of Vlores in Albania,
a conference on Applications of Computer Algebra will be held, with
special sessions devoted to
--     applications in chemistry
--     applications in physics
apart from sessions on several other topics, especially education.
General information about this meeting is available at
and abstracts of submitted papers for oral presentation may be submitted
at that internet site.  Particular information about the sessions on
chemistry and physics appears below.
      If you wish to submit merely a title of a paper at this time, you
may do so, and please register at the same time.  Conference fees may
be paid on arrival at the conference site if more convenient than payment
in advance.
      Questions with respect to these sessions on chemistry and physics
may be addressed to Robert H. Lewis <rlewis at> or
John F. Ogilvie <ogilvie at>.
Computer Algebra in Chemistry and Physics

* Motivation and Importance

Techniques for computer algebra and systems for symbolic computation
have found increasing use for solving problems in chemistry and physics.
These sessions will therefore feature pertinent recent developments. 
The sessions are furthermore expected to foster the interaction between 
the fields of computer algebra, chemistry and physics that might 
stimulate progress in all these areas.

* Scope

These sessions will cover advances in techniques of computer algebra
and software for computer algebra and symbolic computation applied
to chemistry and physics. The session is open to all areas of such
Expected topics of presentations include:
- pedagogical tools in undergraduate chemistry, chemical engineering,
    physics and related areas.
- research tools for graduate education in these areas.
- design of software dedicated to model molecular structure, chemical
   reactions, electric circuits and optical systems.
- solution of differential equations for prototypical systems in
   physical chemistry and in chemical, molecular, and optical physics.
- software for unit operations in chemical industry.
- optimization of laboratory systems in chemistry and physics.
- applications of computer algebra in optical and radio-frequency
   spectroscopy and in analysis of spectra in all frequency regions.
- databases based on engines for symbolic computation applicable to
   systematics of reactions in inorganic, organic, and biochemistry.
- extension of free software for computer algebra applied for
   education in chemistry and physics.
- environments for inter-university collaboration in research in
   chemistry and physics. 