a little help

Dear Raziel,

you can try wit sourceforge.jp, it is located in Japan, so you should
be able to download files, even for further releases of Maxima.. It is
a mirror of file releases, but it does not contain the project
Anyway, can you visit the Maxima project page and, but you cannot
download files from sourceforge.net, or you cannot do nothing? You are
completely or partilally denied?

Try here:


I've checked th IP, and this server is physically located in Japan.
Yu can also try this:


This server is located in France, but I don't know if you will be able
to be redirected here. Let us know if it works.
I haven't found a way to download documentation out from
sourceforge.net, I'll try to email it to you.

This is a really sad situation: it's not fair that people living in a
country in the "bad list" of U.S. are denied from fully take advantage
fo OSS software... It's true that Sourceforge has to obey to US laws,
but thet just host project, they not develop them... Maybe they could
organize more effective geographically distributed mirror system. Just
a thought!

An idea: could be possible to mantain a little mirror on MaximaWiki? I
mean: only latest sources, binaries and pdf documentation. Just a
little help for people denied from Sourceforge.


2010/3/16 Raziel <tidus.chocobo at gmail.com>:
> i am an irnian and also i like maxima bu i cannot download it's binaries for
> windows from sourceforge.net do you have
> any alternative download mirror?
> please if yes email it to me
> also where can i find documentation of algorithms used in maxima?
> thanks
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