On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 10:55 PM, Robert Dodier <robert.dodier at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 19, 2010 at 9:42 AM, Richard Fateman
> <fateman at cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:
>> In looking for the graphing code (see previous message),
>> I came across a directory I had of a large body of statistical
>> computing code. This code, written by experts, is a competitor to "S"
>> and was written in ?lisp, a number of years ago. In fact, a whole
>> lisp system was built on it: Lisp-stat. ? It lost out in competition
>> to "S", for reasons that have to do more with market pressure rather
>> than technical prowess. ?(there is a history on this..)
> I looked at the stuff at github and it seems to be be pretty
> limited in functionality. I don't think I'd want to import the
> whole thing into Maxima, and I don't see any discrete chunks
> that could be imported. Maxima already has a lot of that
> stuff scattered in different corners (statistical stuff, linear
> algebra, plotting).
> From what I can tell Lisp-stat is much more limited than R.
>> (if you take this up seriously, you should also consider whether
>> linking to "S" is feasible or even preferable.)
> Yeah, that's worth considering. Another possibility is
> to write a parser for R scripts in Lisp such that they can
> be parsed and loaded into Maxima. Well, to make that
> really workable one would also need FFI to link the C
> code which is part of many R packages.
Dear both -
For various reasons, the Common LispStat implementation never had
graphics (and if you want the last version Luke worked on, back in the
late 80s, it's there).
I've been side tracked by personal troubles (family health issues) and
haven't finished some of the intergration for CLS that is needed to
demonstrate the graphics, and I'm currently working out the dataframe
and model-specification issues.
HOWEVER, for Richard's needs, if it's 2d plots for continuous data,
Tamas Papp's cl-2d library is a great starting point, and has a number
of primitives that work well, with a basic version of R's grid
graphics (the underpinnings for the graphical system) already working.
Either it, or the KDE SMOKE-related graphics are what I'm looking at
leveraging -- the latter has shown incredible performance in
interactive / dynamic (i.e. it moves, you can interact with it) medium
dataset visualization (i.e. small millions of data points, which are
still screen-able without major summarization). The cl-smoke package
from Tobias Rosenkranz? (not sure I've got the right last name) would
be the basis for that, it's got CFFI based bindings for the QT4
widgets and graphics sets (opengl was recently added).
CLS should be comparable to R eventually in terms of base
functionality; nearly anything could be, given the weird standard,
standard-nonstandard, and nonstandard-nonstandard evaluation rules
that R has...
However, it's strictly a research project to explore model-based
statistical analyses for a generalized definition of that, and is also
just stress relief from my current job as a quant manager in pharma.
blindglobe at gmail.com
Muttenz, Switzerland.
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can easily roll-back your mistakes" (AJR, 4Jan05).
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