Errors in the testsuite

On 3/31/10 8:15 AM, Dieter Kaiser wrote:
> Hello Ray,
> this is a trace of polelist, res, and res1. polelist returns a cons with
> a symbol $neg in it.
> (%i4) integrate(1/(2+cos(x)),x,0,%pi);
>   0: (RES 2
>           ((MPLUS SIMP) 1 ((MTIMES SIMP RATSIMP) 4 YY)
>            ((MEXPT SIMP RATSIMP) YY 2))
>           #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA #) {B095B2D}> #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA #)
> {B095C95}>)
>     1: (POLELIST
>          ((MEXPT SIMP RATSIMP) YY 2))
>         #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA #) {B095B2D}> #<FUNCTION (LAMBDA #)
> {B095C95}>)
>     1: POLELIST returned
>          ((((MPLUS SIMP) -2 ((MEXPT SIMP) 3 ((RAT SIMP) 1 2)))
>            ((MPLUS SIMP) 2 ((MTIMES SIMP) -1 ((MEXPT SIMP) 3 ((RAT SIMP)
> 1 2)))
>             YY)
>            ((MPLUS SIMP) -2
>             ((MTIMES SIMP RATSIMP) -1 ((MEXPT SIMP) 3 ((RAT SIMP) 1
> 2))))
>            ((MPLUS SIMP) 2 ((MEXPT SIMP) 3 ((RAT SIMP) 1 2)) YY))
>           NIL (((MPLUS SIMP) -2 ((MEXPT SIMP) 3 ((RAT SIMP) 1 2))) .
> $NEG) NIL)
>     1: (RES1 2 ((MPLUS SIMP) 4 ((MTIMES SIMP) 2 YY))
>              (((MPLUS SIMP) -2 ((MEXPT SIMP) 3 ((RAT SIMP) 1 2))) .
> $NEG))

This just doesn't make any sense to me.  The only change was in unitcir
which changed the region and region1 functions.  Neither of these can
return '$NEG.  And even if they did, polelist never uses the results
from region or region1 except as the test clause in a COND.

I guess I'll have to build with sbcl myself.  (I've been kind of
avoiding that since I already have too many Lisp's for building maxima.)
