Bug report ID:635627 - subst([...] is order-dependent

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 9:37 AM, Dieter Kaiser <drdieterkaiser at web.de> wrote:

> We have the open bug report ID:635627 - subst([...] is order-dependent.

I am in favor of substitution in parallel for "subst".
(We could have another function for serial substitution but
that should not be the default.)

> I have tried a general algorithm which does the substitution in
> parallel. These are the steps I have implemented:

Hmm, can't we merge sublis and subst? i.e. have the effect of
subst just be the same as a similar call to sublis.
Probably I'm missing something here.

(In general I'm not in favor of functions which vary in
irregular ways. sublis has parallel substitution but it also
differs from subst in other, seemingly random, ways.)

We can modify to_poly_solve or any other functions which
expect serial substitution.


Robert Dodier