On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 10:46 AM, Charles Ward <cwrward at gmail.com> wrote:
> The command in Mathematica
> TableForm[Table[(i +?j)^j, {i, 3}, {j, 3}], TableHeadings -> {{"A", "B",
> "C"}, {"X", "Y", "Z"}}]
Hmm, annotating the rows and columns is an interesting idea.
For my part I am inclined to use the "data frame" notion from S.
If I remember correctly the annotations are ignored when carrying
out operations on the data frame -- in this sense it is
different from a matrix with an extra row and column.
Also the labels can be used as indices. There are probably
other features -- it has been a long time since I used R.
I once got started on a data frame implementation for Maxima
but didn't get too far -- maybe I should try again. Yet another
item on the ever-growing and rarely-shrinking to-do list ....
Robert Dodier