
I just noticed in the thread that ?iga Lenar?i? wrote one too.
I did a quick comparison. I used what seemed to be his
most recent posted version. Lenar?i? version is 'table'.
Lapeyre version 'Table'. (btw, I dont care now about
the proper way to name them.)

1) table is 10% faster than Table on the following examples
  given by  ?iga:
  for i:1 thru 10 do table(random(1.0),[i,10^5])$
  for i:1 thru 10 do table(random(1.0),[10^5])$

2) table and Table give the same output in all examples
  in my previous post except table fails while Table succeeds
  on the following examples from Mathematica:

 table(2^x + x, [x, a, a + 5* n, n]);
 apply(lambda([x,y], table((i - j), x,y)), [ [i,4], [j,5] ] );

3) Both table and Table fail on the following:

Table(a[x]!, [a[x], 6]);

Btw: My idea was to write functions that reproduce Mma
behavior and would be in a separate package, and maybe all
prefixed with mma_ or something. For me, the possiblity of
moving selected functions or functionality into maxima
proper is a good idea, but of secondary interest.
