Can't integrate function

This is a piecewise function, Maxima has no built in way to integrate piecewise functions.  I have a package on this 
site called pw.mac that can integrate piecewise functions continuous or not.

The site is

There is a lot of examples there and a help file.  You cannot integrate "if then else's" but you can rewrite you 
functions using the piecewise() function that is contained in pw.mac.  Then you can integrate it with pwint().


From: "Soares Guerra" <soares.nguerra at>
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2010 11:31 AM
To: "Richard Fateman" <fateman at>
Cc: "Maxima List" <maxima at>
Subject: Re: [Maxima] Can't integrate function

> sorry, i forgot tho send the expression va(t):=if t>-3/2 and t<-1 then
> va2(-t) elseif t>-1 and t<0 then va1(-t)
> elseif t>0 and t<1 then va1(t) elseif t>1 and t<3/2 then va2(t);
> i need to have Vaaux, since vi(t), is only one periode, and i need to
> expand my period. So i didi is create anothet function that reples my
> vi, to both sides.
> thanks for your help
> 2010/4/11 Richard Fateman <fateman at>:
>> Soares Guerra wrote:
>>> hello to all,
>>> i Would like to know why maxima doesn't integrate the following function.
>>> Thanks for your help
>>> a0:2/T*integrate(vi(t),t,-T/2,T/2);
>>> vi(t):=VAaux(t)+vb(t);
>>> VAaux(t):=if t<-T/2 then VAaux(t+T) elseif t<T/2 then va(t) else
>>> VAaux(t-T);
>>> vb(t):=1/4*cos(15*%pi*t)-1/8*sin(30*%pi*t);
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>> Maybe it has to do with computation with ranges of integration, conditional
>> expressions,
>> and the fact that you have not defined va(t).
>> It seems to me that your expression simplifies to
>> 2/T*integrate(va(t),t,-T/2,T/2)
>> +
>> 2/T*integrate(vb(t),t,-T/2,T/2).
>> The second part is easily integrated.
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