On 4/9/10, Bennet Fauber <justbennet at yahoo.com> wrote:
Hi Bennet. Dunno if I can help but let me try.
> Maxima 5.20.1 http://maxima.sourceforge.net
> using Lisp SBCL 1.0.30
> % ./Affine.dat
> GCL (GNU Common Lisp) Version(2.3) Thu Feb 17 01:07:56 CST 2000
> Licensed under GNU Library General Public License
> Contains Enhancements by W. Schelter
> Maxima 5.4 Sun Feb 13 14:25:12 CST 2000 (with enhancements by W. Schelter).
Wow, that's remarkably old, for software anyway.
It may well have been created by Bill Schelter himself.
> The old version runs out of memory when one of my researchers uses it,
In case it matters, that should probably be all_dotsimp_denoms.
(Maxima was changed to case sensitive, with lower case preferred,
some years ago).
> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
> Index 9 out of bounds for (SIMPLE-VECTOR 9), should be nonnegative and <9.
My first guess is that SBCL (new version) is catching this error
while GCL (old version) is letting it pass. When I try the examples
you gave with Maxima 5.20.1 + GCL on Windows, I get some
plausible outputs; I don't know enough about affine to say if they
are correct, but anyway there is no error detected.
Can do try this:
:lisp (setq *debugger-hook* nil)
and re-run the examples. When you get an error,
it will give you a Lisp prompt where you can get a stack trace.
Something like :backtrace or :bt prints the stack trace, sorry,
I don't remember for sure. Please post the stack trace, then
we'll be able to see where the error is. Not sure if we'll be able
to fix it but it's worth a try.
Sorry I can't be more helpful,
Robert Dodier