Subject: howto - running maxima as a server on *nix
From: Hiisi
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 23:43:24 +0400
Thank you for the grate tutorial! No questions, only small additions:
2010/4/12 Benjamin Vanheuverzwijn <bvanheu at>:
> Hi,
> In case someone would like to run maxima as a server on a *nix box where you
> can connect with your favorite terminal to compute things, here's how i do
> it.
> Since we can't separate the "backend" from maxima, we just have to pipe
> stdin/stdout on a socket by using inetd or xinetd.
> 1) install xinetd.
> archlinux: pacman -S xinetd
> debian base: apt-get install xinetd (?)
fedora/red-hat/centos/etc..: yum install xinetd
> 2) configure the maxima service
> add "maxima????? 12345/tcp?????????? # maxima" to /etc/services
> 4) Start xinetd
> archlinux: /etc/rc.d/xinetd start
> debian: /etc/init.d/xinetd start (?)
fedora/red-hat/centos/etc..: service xinetd start
> I think telnet client could work to.
> If you have any questions, do not hesitate.
> --
> Benjamin Vanheuverzwijn
> Google Talk/Jabber - bvanheu at
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