On Fri, 16 Apr 2010, Jaime Villate wrote:
< Hi,
< consider a function that is x^2 between 0 and 1, and 2-x, between 1 and
< 2:
< f(x) := ( x^2 + (2-x) + signum( x - 1 )*( (2-x) - x^2 ) )/2$
< with abs_integrate we can compute the integral:
< load("abs_integrate")$
< integrate ( f(x), x, 0, 2); ---> 5/6
< We now want to extend f to x from -2 to 0, as an even function:
< g(x) := f( abs( x ) )$
< Or to define a periodic function with period 2:
< h(x) := f( mod( x, 2 ) )$
< Since abs_integrate can integrate abs(x), I was expecting abs_integrate
< to give 5/3 at least for the first of the two integrals:
< integrate ( g(x), x, -2, 2);
< integrate ( h(x), x, -2, 2);
< but it fails to calculate any of those.
The problem appears to be that
fails. I have filed a bug report.
You can extend f as an even function via
g(x):=s(x,1)*f(x) - s(x,-1)*f(-x);
yields 5/3.
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