On 4/16/10, Edwin Woollett <woollett at charter.net> wrote:
> Is there any way to set GMT hours diff
> to get timedate() to produce the pacific
> standard time?
> At about 4:40 pm in California, I get:
> timedate(); ---> "2010-04-17 00:39:50+01:00"
I guess you have Maxima built with GCL on Windows.
GCL has a global variable SI::*DEFAULT-TIME-ZONE* which by
default is -1. You can set this to some other value, e.g.
:lisp (setq si::*default-time-zone* 7)
now I get timedate() => 2010-04-17 08:51:46-07:00
Digging around in the GCL source code, I see that the time
zone is retrieved by, I guess, a Mingw function named
GetTimeZoneInformation. I don;t know if the -1 value is a bug
in that function or in GCL or what.
Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier