I have used Jacobi like this example
m : matrix([14,32,50],[32,77,122],[50,122,194]);
e : eigens_by_jacobi(m);
from here
On Sun, Apr 18, 2010 at 4:43 PM, dlakelan <dlakelan at street-artists.org>wrote:
> Is there a way to get reliable numerical estimates of eigenvectors and
> eigenvalues from maxima? I have a jacobian of a system of ODEs that I'd like
> to analyze at equilibria. symbolically it's too complicated, but if I plug
> in the equilibrium numerical values and try to evaluate the eigenvectors
> maxima doesn't like it either.
> octave gives me good estimates instantaneously. apparently they use some
> kind of matrix factorization which I don't know if we have available in
> maxima?
> thanks,
> Dan
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