Lisp - expanding space for Maxima in Windows

Thanks to everyone for the replies.

Actually, a numerical solution is exactly what I'm looking for - I'm
trying to calculate constants given preprocessed input data. I've
preprocessed sample data in Matlab, as that is very easy to do for my
purposes. However, without symbolic maths license, I needed a way of
symbolically creating the equations relevant to the input data, and
finally solving for them. At the end of the day, I want to calculate 9

Attached is the file. The P matrix is the numerical preformatted input
data. The last command is where I get stuck. If I'm looking for a
numerical solution, am I going about it the correct way?

Have I grossly misunderstood about what I should use Maxima for? The
examples seem to suggest it is useful for solving nonlinear equations
like this, giving numerical output where a symbolic output is not


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:42 PM, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:
> I can only guess, but these are my estimates of likely hoods of three
> possibilities:
> (90%) ?Either the equations don't have a solution in terms of radicals, or
> they do but
> ? ? ? the solution is so huge that it is worthless (ill-suited for
> numerical evaluation,
> ? ? ? gives no particular insight to the physical problem, ...)
> (9.99%) A bug prevents Maxima from finding the solution.
> (0.01%) Expanding the available memory will allow Maxima to find a useful
> solution.
> As for suggestions: either be satisfied with a numerical solution or try
> some other CAS
> to try to solve them.
> If you could post your equations, somebody might find a workaround (set
> algebraic to true,
> try a Grobner basis, ...)
> --Barton
> maxima-bounces at wrote on 04/20/2010 04:19:00 AM:
>> [image removed]
>> [Maxima] Lisp - expanding space for Maxima in Windows
>> Brian Wylie
>> to:
>> maxima
>> 04/20/2010 04:19 AM
>> Sent by:
>> maxima-bounces at
>> Hi,
>> I am running into a Lisp error in wxMaxima on Windows XP:
>> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>> ?Error in PROGN [or a callee]: The storage for CONS is exhausted.
>> Currently, 14243 pages are allocated.
>> Use ALLOCATE to expand the space.
>> Automatically continuing.
>> To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
>> Searching included help doesn't seem to be useful, and online archives
>> turn up a hit in google but doesn't give a solution on how to
>> allocate, or how much to allocate. I'm trying to perform the
>> following:
>> solve([eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4, eq5, eq6, eq7, eq8, eq9], [sx, sy, sz, x0,
>> y0, z0, alpha, %beta, gamma]);
>> where eq1...eq9 are horribly nonlinear. Suggestions?
>> Kind regards,
>> Brian
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