Q: TeX file for the document "Maxima and the Calculus"
Subject: Q: TeX file for the document "Maxima and the Calculus"
From: Jaime Villate
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2010 15:46:59 +0100
On Wed, 2010-04-21 at 09:33 -0400, Sajang Yang wrote:
> I was trying to find the tex file for the document "Maxima and the
> Calculus" through the source forge repository to translate it into
> Korean, but I could not find where it is. Do I have to contact the
> author, Leon Brin, directly to get the permission to translate?
Yes, you do. The PDF file has no information on copyright so we do not
even know if it is legal to distribute a copy in a site different from
that of the author or to translate it.
If he agrees to your translation, it would be better to publish that
translation in the author's site and we link it from Maxima's site,
unless a copyright note is added to the book, allowing us to publish a
copy in our site.
Jaime Villate