Loading LAPACK

On 4/20/10 5:23 PM, dlakelan wrote:
> On 04/20/2010 12:24 PM, Wilson Mixon wrote:
>> When I load lapack using xmaxima, the process takes quite a while and
>> the message is quite long. Much of the message is a list of loaded
>> files. The rest is a series of warnings like the ones that appear below.
> the *first* time you load lapack, it needs to compile all the lapack
> common lisp code. after that it should only take < 1 second to load,
> and maybe a few lines of "loading ..." messages.
I think we could improve on this.  The converted Lisp code contains
enough information to figure out a call tree.  So if we wanted to use
dgeev (for eigenvalues/vectors), we should compile just the routines
needed by dgeev.  This would require a major rework of the lapack
defsystem file, but it could, perhaps, be mostly automatically
generated.  We should do that for every function in lapack.

I guess it would also be nice if dgeev were autoloaded so that
everything would be compiled as needed.  This would free the user from
having to figure out what the magic incantation would be to get dgeev

I do not know how much would be saved for dgeev if we did this.  But at
the very least, we wouldn't compile up the complex versions of the
routines if we didn't need them.
