Raymond Toy <toy.raymond <at> gmail.com> writes:
> On 2/3/10 3:32 AM, piotrek_bol wrote:
> > for example : i make
> >
> > au= (r+45)/8
> >
> > where "u" in symbol name is in the superscript
> >
> >
> Perhaps the tensor package can make a superscript, but why do you need
> this? Is there any real significance that u is a superscript? Are you
> trying to distinguish au from al where l is a subscript? If there's
> only one superscript, does it matter if it is a superscript or subscript?
> Or are you more interested in having the display show au with a
> superscript u?
> Just trying to understand exactly what you want.
> Ray
This would be a nice feature. Being able to add super or sub scripts to
function or variable names which are purely symbolic (i.e. not array, or power
designators) would be handy. That way I could import the latex output directly
into an openoffice document without having to rework it to fit conventions in
the area a document is being written about.
For example in semiconductors it is very normal to have %phi[MS](T) = X[ij]+...
where the MS and the ij mean nothing.