Cantors countable infinity?

On Thu, 22 Apr 2010, bb wrote:

< Maxima crashes with the following calculations:
< 1.
< (%i1) 2^3^4^5;
< *** - Program stack overflow. RESET
< [/build/buildd/clisp-2.44.1/src/eval.d:527] reset() found no driver frame
< (sp=0xe846dbb0-0xe84677e0)
< Exiting on signal 6
< Aborted
< 2.
< (%i1) 2^(3^(4^5));
< *** - Program stack overflow. RESET
< [/build/buildd/clisp-2.44.1/src/eval.d:527] reset() found no driver frame
< (sp=0x47fd71c0-0x47fd0df0)
< Exiting on signal 6
< Aborted
< The Question arises: Isn`t such a complete crash with shutting down the
< program a bug?
< 3.
< There is no problem with the following (would be a wonder if there would be
< one!):
< (%i1) ((2^3)^4)^5;
< (%o1)                         1152921504606846976
< (%i2)
< The result is innert the integer representation limit.
< I would expect a message that the integer limit is exceeded or such a thing. I
< think, a complete crash is not acceptable.
Which version of Maxima are you running?
What build of clisp?

(%i1) build_info();

Maxima version: 5.20.1
Maxima build date: 14:56 4/9/2010
Host type: i686-pc-linux-gnu
Lisp implementation type: CLISP
Lisp implementation version: 2.44.1 (2008-02-23) (built 3427349244)
(memory 3479810177)

(%i2) 2^3^4^5;
Maxima encountered a Lisp error:

overflow during multiplication of large numbers

Automatically continuing.
To enable the Lisp debugger set *debugger-hook* to nil.
(%i3) (2^3^4)^5;


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