Maxima error when having strings in terms

On 4/22/10, Matthew Gwynne <mathew.gwynne at> wrote:

> I'm working on the analysis of boolean functions (usually only
> partially specified, so we deal with different extensions of these),
> different representations of these functions, and then algorithms and
> their complexities for generating such representations.
> When dealing with the boolean variables in these problems, they come
> from specific pre-existing datasets with string names, but the idea is
> to have reasonably generic analysis tools to get a basic summary of a
> particular function before investigating further, and so being able to
> treat variable names in the same way as Oliver is suggesting rather
> than converting them into maxima terms is attractive. One might also
> want new variables, and then certain parameters can be added to these
> functional terms.

Thanks, that sounds interesting. Can you post some examples of
operations you want to carry out? I am working on a bug fix and it
would be extremely helpful to have additional examples to test.

Thanks for your help,

Robert Dodier