implicit_plot broken in 5.20.1?

On 4/23/10, Barton Willis <willisb at> wrote:

> (%i3) load(implicit_plot);
> (%o3)
> C:/PROGRA~1/MAXIMA~2.1/share/maxima/5.20.1/share/contrib/implicit_plot.lisp
> From the user documentation:
> (%i9) implicit_plot (x^2 = y^3 - 3*y + 1, [x, -4, 4], [y, -4, 4],
> [gnuplot_preamble, "set zeroaxis"]);
> Maxima encountered a Lisp error:
>  Error in GNUPLOT-PRINT-HEADER [or a callee]: GNUPLOT-PRINT-HEADER [or a
> callee] requires more than one argument.

I think this was fixed. I just tried it in 5.21.0 in Windows and it worked OK.

For the record, there is a script maxima/tests/rtest_plot.mac
which has a lot of examples collected from the reference manual
and other sources, although I see now that it doesn't have any
implicit_plot examples.


Robert Dodier