Proposal: new doc module in the CVS repository

On Fri, 2010-04-23 at 09:55 -0600, Robert Dodier wrote:
> > Does anyone have any objection to the creation of the doc module?
> and
> > any objection to moving maximabook and tutorial to that module?
> Well, I don't see the point of it.
> It seems like more trouble than it's worth.
> I haven't noticed any problems with having the documentation in
> the maxima module, and it's going to make a mess of some
> degree; moving stuff around always does.

The first part (creation of the doc module) would only take me about
five seconds :) "mkdir doc; cvs add doc"
Much less than the time it will take a user to download a few megabytes
of documents in Korean, which perhaps he cannot even read, when doing a
"cvs update".
For the second part, moving existing documents, you might be right. 
