following on my own suggestion that an extension of the "do" loop would
make this all possible,
I wrote the file in
It extends the syntax of the looping construct in Maxima in the
following way:
instead of the keyword "do" you can use the keyword "collect", and the
results will be returned in a list.
for i:1 thru 4 collect i
returns [1,2,3,4].
Everything else that happens in the semantics of the "do loop" happens
here as well, so you can
count by non-integers, start and end at symbolic points so long as they
differ by a number,
This required a few changed lines in maxima.
It would be possible to augment the program so that the confusion about
sum and product would be
resolved by implementing
for i:1 thru 4 sum i
for i:1 thru 4 product i
Or indeed one could provide a quite general facility such that any
function ala "reduce" can be applied to successive terms in the loop.
This works in command line maxima but the display in wxmaxima needs to
be altered to accomodate collect.
That is, h(n):= for i thru n collect i
displays in wxmaxima as
I do not know enough about wxmaxima to fix this.
PS, This fix does not work for
for i in [a,b,c] collect f(i)
which would, I think be easy enough to do by making a version of mdoin,
say mdoin-collect.